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Some people refer to this weekend as, “the opening day of summer.” The other day I unintentionally called it, “opening day of road construction season.” It is actually Memorial Day weekend, Monday being the day we honor and mourn U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It can be a somber day for some, but I suspect that a great way to honor those who gave their very lives for our country is actually to spend time with your family having a BBQ and celebrating freedom.

In this nutty state. Memorial Day weekend really is opening day of road construction season. While I should probably be grateful they are giving any attention to our roads at all, I am not. Why in the world we always have to begin every major highway project on a busy holiday weekend is beyond me. Also, judging from past experience, there is some doubt as to whether or not our road projects will improve conditions for people who actually have to drive on our roads. That fact just adds to my skepticism.

I realize road construction is always inconvenient and chaotic, but I genuinely believe we have conquered the big boss and now reached an entirely new level of surreal chaos. The other day we came flying down a county road in the middle of nowhere before suddenly coming upon a portable traffic light. Was there any sort of intersection? No. A driveway, a passing lane, a road construction sign, a flagger? Nope, not even a traffic cone! So we simply sat there in front of a red light smack in the middle of the highway without a car in sight anywhere and waited patiently for it to turn green.

I was completely baffled so when I got home I set about sleuthing up an explanation. I did discover that many other people are also busy asking the DOT “why,” but as of yet have received no satisfactory answer. I now assume it is some kind of top secret highway project that just exists on a “need to know” basis.

For the entire summer, the main highway I need to get on will be allowing no left turns anywhere, ever. Naturally I need to go left. I have studied this convoluted mess extensively on line and on the ground and still have absolutely no idea what they want from me. You actually have to go right, pull over, make a U-turn and proceed to drive down the very same road they won’t let you access like a normal person.

Don’t even get me started about “men working” signs, but not a man in sight anywhere for miles.

Darkly humorous, but we recently had occasion to visit a couple of tribes, primarily their casinos. It was extremely disconcerting. I mean, you turn off the state highway and suddenly encounter actual asphalt. It’s a dark charcoal color and very smooth, if anyone has forgotten. I was quite startled! Where are all my familiar potholes, why are the sides of the roads mowed?? Have I fallen into another dimension??

I nearly cried. My husband rolled his eyes his eyes at me, but when we all met up there was quite a bit of emotionalism expressed over having just encountered a sentimental thing of days gone by….a nicely paved road.

This state is actually 44th in the nation for road quality according to the Federal Dept of Transportation. We are actually in the running with New Jersey! Woot! New Jersey was once totally unbeatable, a legend I tell ya. Not anymore! Some 28% of our roads are labeled completely unacceptable. Another 22% are rated “poor.” So highest gas prices in the nation, highest gas taxes, and allegedly a whopping 2.97 billion a year has been spent maintaining them. Maintaining them in their current state of disrepair, I suppose.