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Darkly humorous, but that really is the simple spiritual wisdom involved here. “Be careful you don’t become the enemy you wish to destroy. ” This behavior is so NOT what was meant by the quote, “To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.”

What in the world am I blathering on about!? Well, wikipedia gives a pretty good run down on what trash culture actually is. I especially liked the term “low cultural profile.” It is things done in poor cultural taste in order to get clicks and attention.

Motherhood is grand right? That’s what these guys teach, a kind of red pill patriarchy disguised as Christianity. So I’m going to go and invoke some motherhood privilege here and point out that what comes out of these guy’s mouths does not honor their mothers at all. Just so we are clear here, they like to use words like “vagina” and “slut” a whole lot and brag about wanting to revoke the 19th amendment. There is a pronounced and definitive theme of needing to punish women for having destroyed the world. Constantly. Well, women and mermaids. Recently Pastor Joel Webbon and friends attempted to make a Biblical case for mermaids, in part so he could use every misoygystic word in the book, declare mermaids to be part of the demonic and yet another sign that women have clearly forfeited their souls. Stephan Wolfe, the Case for Christian Nationalism, is a kinist. A kinest is a polite way of saying people who believe in racial separation. Not sure how he feels about mermaids.

Anyway, I could slog on an on providing endless evidence and quotes demonstrating why these men are excellent examples of what I would call “Christian Trashworld.” One simply cannot sing the praises of motherhood, consider it a woman’s highest calling while also saying things like, “the weak evangelical whore is a slut who lies down in the middle of a burning city, spreading her legs to the rioters and looters, spreading her legs to Marx, Engels, Alinksy, and Soros.”

Forgive me my delicate sensibilities but I’m just not feeling all the mother love here. In fact, I find such verbage disrespectful and deeply embarrassing. And that is but one example! Multiply that times hundreds and you might understand why I turn such a jaded eye towards those who feel qualified to instruct women on a need to embrace our “highest calling.”

Which brings me to politics and the little logo at the bottom of their flyer, the little red Ranier Beer logo. I jest, that is actually an “R” and stands for “right response.” These guys perceive themselves as representatives of the Christian right, the conservative right. They have embraced the “Moscow mood,” the trashworld Christian culture modeled and promoted by Pastor Doug Wilson.

I have spent several years now trying to say, “hey guys, this isn’t the Christian right!” Worse yet, this isn’t even Christ-like. Let’s be more Christ-like! Naturally several of them have patiently listened to my gentle mothering words and given them all due respect and consideration. LOL, I jest of course! I’ve simply managed to collect myself a whole bunch of pornographic fan mail filled with violent sexual themes and endless misogyny.

Seriously, I often just want to ask, “so you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Do you offer something preferable to just being incarcerated with a 6 ft convicted rapist who now fancies himself to be a woman? Because I simply cannot see any difference between one trash culture and another. It’s all trash. It’s all culture. It’s all just endless loathing and perpetual hatred of women. This is not conservatism. This is not Christianity. This is not even the gospel. What this is is just the meme worthy, cartoonish right wing boogeyman that has caused so many people to not only reject right leaning politics, but to also reject the church herself.

You cannot defeat trashworld by becoming trashworld yourself. This is not my opinion, it is a fact, a clear and well documented spiritual truth. All you wind up doing is replacing one trashworld with another. And here we are.