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Isaiah 53:5 has a good post up called, “Lord, help me speak life into my spouse”

A dozen amens to that. It’s a simple idea, very logical and yet in marriage it took me a while to grasp it. Whoosh, went right over my head. The world,the culture we live in does not teach us these things, so we are more prone to complain about our spouses then to speak life over them.

All in good fun here, but that “love your enemies” thing, He really meant that. I jest here, but sometimes it is just, God bless that man, at least the’s chewing quietly tonight. I need to speak life over this person, somebody go get me a bicycle pump…. or perhaps an air compressor. A fire hose?

Ah, battle scars and gallows humor. I kid you not, I often think of it as a bicycle pump, we are re-inflating our marriage, pumping up a flat tire. Speak life over the man, pour praise and admiration over him, it pays big dividends.

Often when we are angry or things are not going our way, or someone has offended us,the natural inclination is speak some death over them, or at least a good kick in the pants. It can be counter intuitive to stop, drop, and simply speak life over them. In the context of one flesh however, it makes perfect sense to speak life over your other part. You lift them up, you lift your own self up. Where they go, you go. You speak life over your spouse, you’re speaking life over yourself.
