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“When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.”

We of the “alert” or Paying Attention Community, or whatever you wish to call it, need to return to that childhood song frequently, like daily. We need to remind ourselves, myself included, that the entire world has not dissolved into a dark sludge of immorality, corruption, greed, and deception. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of that going on, I just mean we need to ensure that our entire existence does not live there in the swampy muck, 24/7.

A bit funny, I recently followed yet another fight over worship music on “Christian” social media and had to resist the powerful urge to lecture and say, Absolutely none of you are qualified to even have an opinion since it is quite clear you have not yet mastered the two most important hymns ever written, “Jesus Loves Me This I know” and “Count Your Blessings One by One.” No wonder you are all so gag worthy, you are trying to eat meat when you haven’t even’t mastered drinking the milk yet!

I was able to resist saying any of that, at least until today. I am wailing in despair over the fact that even I call those “childhood hymns.” They are thought to be, at least within pop culture Christianity, hymns reserved for small children. There is an assumption made, a false assumption I might add, that we will have mastered these two concepts in childhood and now progressed to finer things in adulthood.

Au contraire. I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong that is. Half the time I am left wondering if grown up people aren’t progressing backwards or evolving in reverse or something. Once a pastor I rather liked would say, “we’re growing,” and I would have to bite my tongue so as not to say, “Where?! Can you show me some evidence of all this growth?” I am just not seeing it.

Long ago when I was doing Sunday school and there was conflict or some kind a tension, a fight about to break out, I would say, okay, it’s time for a song. Very funny, several of the kids would groan outright, no doubt keenly aware of my singing inabilities, but they would join in and we would sing those two songs. By the time we were finished, the whole atmosphere had changed.

The path to sound mental health, the path to peace, the path to mature conflict resolution, the path to greater wisdom, the path to healthy human relationships always begin with two presuppositions, two certainties. Jesus loves me and I am infinitely blessed. People who genuinely grasp that, who inhale it with every ounce of their being cannot be offended, cannot be filled with despair, and cannot get into foolish conflicts with others. Notice I said, “foolish conflicts.” Some conflicts are not foolish, they are good and necessary.

Alas, most of us tend to stray from that sense of peace and safety, that sense of just abiding in the goodness and peace of the Lord periodically, perhaps even throughout the day. I’m just saying, do everything in your power to make sure you return to it early and often.

So as we slip into Advent here, I’d like to remind everyone, Jesus loves you and you are blessed.