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All in good humor here, but I had no idea this was even a thing. I just thought it was a lifestyle choice. Positive deviants are born, not made. It is hardwired right into my very DNA. I live there.

I jest a wee bit. If you want to know about positive deviants, Wikipedia gives a brief rundown. The concept is rather simple, people are kind of herd animals who will go along with the crowd, who need social favor and belonging. One problem with this is that collective illusions can form that nobody challenges, that nobody questions, and so everyone starts behaving the same and so everyone now suffers from the same problem. The thing is, no matter what is going on around us, there are always going to be a few outliers, deviants who don’t seem to be following the rules.

I so resemble this remark! I could be neurodiverse or it could be the result of having grown up in so much isolation and trauma, but regardless, I just never seem to get the darn memo. Nobody ever forwards me the social rules. I never get invited to any of the mass formation psychosis parties.

Positive deviance first came into people’s awareness in food and nutrition programs, and was a concept eventually utilized in the 90’s by Save the Children in Vietnam. A good chunk of the children were badly mal-nourished, but a handful were not. Everyone was poor, but a few people seemed to have well nourished children anyway. Rather then coming in with a top down approach and dictating a solution, they studied the outliers, the positive deviants, those who seemed to have healthy children. They discovered that at some point most of the culture had just collectively decided shrimp and crab was bad for children, could make them really sick. It was a collective illusion. Almost overnight everyone just stopped feeding their kids the only source of protein available. Well, not everyone. The outliers apparently never got the memo and had just continued to feed their kids what they had always fed them.

A lot of kids will also get parasites and all sorts of bacteria that can give them chronic diarrhea which helps to cause dehydration and malnutrition. It wasn’t the traditional food that was making them sick, it was a lack of hand washing leading to chronic reinfection coupled with no longer having access to the most nutritious foods. You can come in to fix it, try to lecture people and act all authoritarian, attempt to create feeding programs…..or you can believe that a community is best at solving their own problems, and simply empower the outliers, the positive deviants, give them a voice to go and teach the others.

Needless to say it is far more effective (and cost effective) to look for the positive deviants, identity the collective illusion at play, and empower the outliers to go teach the others.

Collective illusions can be really powerful, life threatening even, anti-survival. We all suffer from some of them at various points in our life and the internet may have made it so much worse. One way to break the power of a collective illusion is to actually talk to one another. It is also how we can work together to break off our individual illusions, the lies we have swallowed that may be impacting our lives in unhealthy ways.

To apply some positive deviancy to our modern West with all it’s division and disunity, we really need to refuse to swallow the lies. “It’s the end world,” is a collective illusion. “We’re all doomed,” is a collective illusion. “We’re going to hell in a hand basket,” is a collective illusion. Recently there has been a nasty bit of psy/ops floating around about gangs of black folks attacking children. It is a transparent and obvious bit of bovine poo designed to get people all amped up. There were quite a few recently about needing to riot in support of Trump that were absolutely phony. Don’t be a useful idiot. Learn to discern.

Now there may be elements of truth in some of those and ample evidence you can scrounge up to demonstrate your collective illusion is at least partially true, but if you want to be a real radical, a total deviant, you will simply reject any and all collective illusions on sheer principle alone. Doubly true of any obvious, malignant psy/ops. Step away from the narrative.

One of my favorite sayings is, “Christians don’t take the temperature of the room, they set the whole thermostat.” In fact, one might even say being a positive deviant operating outside of the norm is the name of the game.