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There used to be a bumper sticker I rather liked that simply said, “evolve already!” It appealed to my sense of humor because I’ve never really cared much about creationism and origin of the species debates, I just wish we’d get on with it already!

No word yet on when the “natural selection” part might start kick in, either. At this point in my life, I’m somewhat convinced we are simply evolving backwards, the lowest common denominator is in charge, and we will soon arrive at the utopian paradise portrayed in the movie “Idiocracy.”

Come to think of it, that might actually be an upgrade.

I honestly have no idea why any self respecting missing link would even want to become a human? Did the chimps just go, that’s cousin Herman’s clan, he wandered off to find himself and now he just self identifies as a humanoid?

I’ve always found the false, long since debunked argument that we share 92% of our DNA with chimps, somewhat amusing on account of the fact that we also share about 86% of our DNA with the common potato. There really is some well documented evidence we may be genetically related to the common couch potato, anyway! That’s the thing about DNA, it involves some incredible precision, not polling numbers as if the majority rules. We share a ridiculous amount of DNA with sea cucumbers, too, but that tells us almost nothing about anything important.

People all over the internets are currently having intelligent discussions about evolution today, or rather an attempt is being made to have intelligent discussions. Obviously I am not part of that group on account of the fact that I am far too lazy to say anything intelligent and way too busy trying to figure out where we are even going.

My favorite word in the Bible is the very first one, the word, “In,” and I have written volumes about it. God willing I shall write volumes more. It is a deceptively small word, a woefully inadequate translation to describe what is really happening in that very first sentence. Things simply get lost in translation and the English word “in” is just so unassuming and ridiculously overlooked. “In” says so much, it designates your position, your orientation, your status and placement, where you are right now in the story and when you plan to accept the invitation to just, “step in.”

Happy “evolve already” day, however. I am pleased there are still some signs of possible intelligent life on earth. Make it so, people.