Truthfully the only false accusation I simply cannot bear is against our Lord and Savior. Please do not present Him as a great cosmic child abuser, do not transform John 3:16 into, for God so hated the world, He tortured His own child in a fit of rage and  wrath because he was so mad at us….

Don’t do that, don’t leave us trapped there in that weird place where we are forced to choose between what our spirits know is right, what our hearts know is true, and the Lord we so want to know. There should be no conflict between those two things and if there are, your hermeneutics have gone all awry.

In a world that works so hard to separate people from Christ, don’t add to their confusion. Don’t create that moral conundrum in their hearts and minds. It just crushes me to see things like that because it not only separates people from Christ, it slanders His good name. It is a false allegation, it is a lie.

Pastor Doug Wilson writes, “The word propitiation refers to the fist of the Father, striking the Son, so that you might be struck down in Him, and raised again to life in Him.”

I could argue theology all day long, I could spin tall tales in Wilson’s defense, I could provide cover and try to soften those words, try to say,  what he really meant was, but in truth there really are no excuses, there is no misunderstanding happening here.

You are flat out falsely accusing our heavenly Father of being a rage filled child abuser swinging his fist at the purity and innocence of Jesus, His own son, and choosing to steal, kill, and destroy, a perfect being to get back at us for disappointing him. The message is clear, fear God or He’ll do the same to you.

It’s a dark and ugly notion and it’s really prevalent in the world, and I’m sure my words just fall on deaf ears, but this is so wrong headed, so wrong hearted, such appallingly bad applied theology that  I just want to scream and tear my hair out.  A lie like that will worm it’s way so far into your soul, it can take years to undo the damage.

And truth be told, I don’t fear for atheists as much as I do for Christians who hear this lie about their heavenly Father and try to call it Holy, try call it good, try to call themselves the righteous followers of a great cosmic child abuser who wrath filled fist allegedly smashed in his innocent child’s face and killed him.

Such a God would not be Holy, such a Father would not be good. Presented with a false dichotomy like that, the only moral option one could make is either atheism or heresy. To be the follower of such a God would be immoral.