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Interesting article in the Chicago Tribune, ‘Imploding’: Lawsuits. Fundraising troubles. Trailer-park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

First I have to say, white nationalism is only a fraction or a faction of the Alt Right, one that has been in conflict with other aspects of the Alt Right for quite some time.

Second of all, I get the fact that dirty laundry sells, but the Chicago Tribune really packed this article with some demeaning stereotypes about trailer parks, Wal Mart, and sleeping with your stepdaughter. These things are all true…..of this particular group of yahoos. Just the same there’s a bias, a narrative behind this article that is unmistakable.

They also said, “President Donald Trump’s reluctance to disown white nationalism….” which is rather untrue. Supposedly white nationalism is imploding which is then portrayed as some kind of failure on the presidents’ part? Wut? Since they are imploding, getting kicked off a social media, facing lawsuits, arrests,  losing their funding, I’d have to conclude, something is working.

But what I really wanted to say about all this is that the root of the problem with the Alt Right is lost boys seeking leadership, hungry for some direction, wanting some power. They are struggling to find their place in the world, their role. This is not a crisis of white supremacy so much as it is a crisis of masculinity. As a culture we can’t just slay racism or mock trailer park antics, we need to get serious about nurturing and fostering some healthy male roles in our culture.

Connor Perrin, says he “drove all night from Austin to Charlottesville to protest what he saw as the oppression of white men in the United States.” In a way he is right, except these guys took what was in an internal problem and tried to make it external. He as an individual was feeling oppressed, no doubt coming off of a bad economy, a political system that often seems to have their fingers in their ears, perhaps bearing witness to the rampant opiate epidemic our country doesn’t like to talk about.

One thing you learn if you have good leaders, good role models is how to personalize things. There’s a tongue and cheek saying, “it’s always all about you,” and that’s a positive thing, that means the buck stops here. That’s a call to personal responsiblity. Feeling rejected, down trodden, put upon? What do you personally need to get out of that situation? What feelings do you need to address? If the answer is to rage and protest, to try to change the whole world, you’ve fallen in a rabbit hole. The truth is, we can never change the whole world, we can only change ourselves and our own circumstances.

That is a huge part of learning how to embrace your own power and how to utilize it effectively. One might even call that leadership, as in you are the one driving your own boat, you control the horizontal and the vertical.

There’s a huge faith deficit around the lost boys, many false teachings, tragic misdirections, and even a handful of Christians trying to pour fuel on a fire that leads to nothing but destruction. What concerns me is that until you address the root of the problem, pluck it out and replace it with something so much better, we’re going to have young men who are easily radicalized and then exploited by different self-serving factions who really don’t care about them at all. But of course if some recruiter from Identity Evropa is the only person who seems to have shown any interest in you, well……

Radicalizing young men has probably been going on since the dawn of time and it’s an issue that cuts across all cultures and races. Black and hispanic kids in the city often have gang recruiters ready to step in and offer them a place in the world, an identity. Cults have been recruiting college kids since forever, and the white identity movement is always around in the shadows, too. Joining any of these groups often just leads to suffering, exploitation, and sometimes death.

I say this all the time,“it’s always all about you.” It’s not easy to navigate the world, to find your identity within it, and there are a lot of pitfalls, a lot of deceptions waiting to lead you astray. One real blessing of faith is that we learn that our identity is in Jesus Christ. We have a membership, an inheritance, we are adopted into a kingdom as sons, and our faith comes from the inside out. All of these issues we wrestle with from the culture today stem from people seeking an external identity, an external solution for what is an internal problem.