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This made me laugh! John Branyan’s post, “Next Year is Your Responsibility”

My kind of humor, I suppose.  He nailed it. We people can be just that silly.

At some point in my life, I stopped making New Year’s resolutions. I realized I was just setting myself up for failure.  Everybody has good intentions, right? Until about …..the second week of January.

We’ll call this thing “New Year’s worship” or “New Year’s idolatry.”  Hey, if it works for you and it makes for good small talk, go for it. No criticism here! Myself, I just realized the Apostle Peter and I have a great many things in common. God knows me better than I know myself, and He knows my circumstances to come, so making vows about what I’m going to do a few weeks from now, just doesn’t work for me.

I swear I’m going to…….wait is that a brownie?

A bit funny,  if the Apostle Peter is really at the pearly gates, I could be in a bit of trouble. He just might go, “Hey I recognize you, you’re that crazy lady that was always talking about me, claiming I didn’t know my own mind, saying I was a bit rough around the edges……what’s with all that??”

I hope not,  because I adore the Apostle Peter. I have gleaned some great wisdom from him.

So, completely devoid of any vows, promises, resolutions, or New Year’s celebrations, I’ll take on the whole list from Branyan’s post. Amen to them all.

Now, go and tell the others…….

