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Violet  bumped into the manosphere and recently wrote a post called “love as a game – lurking in manosphere”   It’s a relatively unbiased post and well done.

The manosphere is this large and diverse group of varied ideas and beliefs, so you can’t really cover the whole concept adequately in one post. As Violet herself says quoting wikipedia,  the ‘sphere is, “a loose and informal network of blogs, websites, and internet commentators that focus on issues relating to men and masculinity, often in opposition to feminism or as a male counterpart to it.

I’ve done a fair amount of reading and research and blogged about different aspects  of the ‘sphere several times. That isn’t really what I want to address today, but rather some interesting comments and issues that came up at Violet’s place.

First of all, in some places within the ‘sphere, there can be some pretty vulgar, lewd, and graphic expressions of sexuality.  Not all mind you, but some. I skim over much of that and it truly doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the toxic anger, rage, and hurt. The rejection, feelings of persecution, and self loathing. Toxic, that’s the only word I can think of.

Call me crazy, but I don’t find that kind of thing sexual, just sad and somewhat depressing. Many of the ‘spherians like to perceive themselves as predators seeking prey, gamers versus the gamed, women as sexual conquests, or like what some commenters in Violet’s thread have referred to as grim, gross, nastiness, appalling, losers, scary, disgusting, and filth.

Filth?? Wait, you mean like…sin? I’m laughing here, but keep in mind that most of Violet’s readers are mostly non believers who support anything consenting adults choose to do, including advocating for gay marriage, abortion, homosexuality, transgender issues, legalized prostitution, etc, etc.

I have to admit I had a bit of chuckle when I started reading comments about the alleged “filth” of the ‘sphere. Why, what makes this any different than any other kind of “filth”? If anything adults wish to do is just fine, why the sudden disgust about the ‘spherians?  What makes one perversion something to be embraced and another to be viewed with disgust? Are you grading on a curve here and if so, what is the basis for your original standard of measurement?

I can tell you what causes me to react the way I do. Absolute truth. The contrast between what God intended for us, a perfect garden, true love, marriage, sexuality as intimacy, versus the complete chaos, confusion, and self inflicted misery we have created instead. It’s heart breaking. We have such beautiful potential as human beings and what we have done to ourselves and that original design is downright repulsive.

Sex apart from love, sexuality as our entire identity, men and women perceiving each other as nothing more than sexual commodities, love being traded in for manipulation, power, and control. Yuck! But that is simply the nature of the world. It doesn’t have to be, but it is.

We are people, created in His image, greatly loved, so I don’t like seeing us as the collateral damage of our own wounding and brokenness. How do I know this is brokenness? Because what many of those ‘spherians are trying to do is to pour things into the abyss of their souls, sex, control, women, wealth, power, the list just goes on and on.

Looking for love in all the wrong places. Actually, they don’t even believe in love, they believe in this thing called hypergamy.

What fascinates me is that so many of them really resent the object of their desire. What they seek, they also seek to destroy.

Why? I suspect because women eventually leave them feeling even more unfulfilled, unsatisfied, which naturally is entirely the fault of the last dozen women they pursued….and those who rejected them. Male solipsism, yeah, it’s a real thing in the world.

What much of the manosphere is actually selling is anger and sexual rage. What makes that message so seductive are the feelings of power that go along with anger and sexuality, combined with what CS Lewis once referred to as the inner circle, tribalism, perceiving oneself as a member of an exclusive group with secret knowledge. That is enticing and seductive stuff. They all play off of human biology and psychology and create a very marketable product.

I don’t wish to get myself into trouble here, but we currently have a certain political candidate alpha-gaming the crap out of the electorate and rather masterfully playing off of people’s repressed anger about geo-political events. It’s fascinating to watch, something I do with much wry humor.

Back to that “filth” however, what makes it “filth?” If man was not made in God’s image, if there is no absolute truth, if love is nothing more than a spray bottle of oxytocin, than what standard are we using to measure with?

I can’t answer that outside the context of God and love, not logically, not with any sound reasoning. Without those two inseparable concepts, I am unable to reasonably label something “filth,” or sin. Us living our lives as our higher selves, receiving the love God has for us is the ideal, anything that harms us and others and separates us from that Divine love, is undesirable, filth, sin.

Violet ends by saying, “I don’t believe there’s any such thing as ‘true unconditional love and happiness’, but there are basic positive and loving relationships to aim for, built on genuine attraction, mutual trust and respect.”

Why? In the absence of God and love, who cares about silly things like trust, respect, and love? In that world, the only thing that matters is your own attraction desires and since might makes right, game away.

One tiny problem Violet, we are the smaller, weaker sex, biologically more vulnerable and all those traditions, values, and ideals that once protected us as women, are being now being socially rejected and tossed aside.  Outside of social mores, beyond dreams of chivalry, beyond the realm of male honor, lives the lost boys and the world they wish to create.

One last thing, I called the women who fall for these PUA guys stupid. That’s a harsh word I suppose, and not all are stupid, some are just broken, but I used the word stupid to imply personal responsibility. Women have tremendous power in this situation and when in our quest for equality and female sexual empowerfullness we fail to be aware of what is being lost, what we are trading in and replacing tradition with, we be outright stupid. We can blame all those men, but they aren’t  dancing alone.

“If anyone thinks that Christians regard unchastity as the supreme vice, he is quite wrong. The sins of the flesh are bad, but they are the least bad of all sins. All the worst pleasures are purely spiritual: the pleasure of putting other people in the wrong, of bossing and patronizing and spoiling sport, and back-biting; the pleasure of power, and hatred….a cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to hell than a prostitute.” –CS Lewis, Mere Christianity