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I missed the big kerfluffle over the word “policeman” versus the more politically correct term “police officer”, but apparently there was a food fight over this atrocious, Very Bad, No Good, sexist wordplay that shames all of womankind and our ancestors too.

So Clouds Moving In has linked to me a couple of times, absolutely begging for some attention, also known as “baiting.” She promptly denies baiting and playing games which gave me a chuckle, because my dear, such is the nature of women!  Embrace and enjoy for goodness sakes, there’s nothing shameful about polite baiting especially in the blogging world. Shocking I know, but most interactions between people involve some sort of game and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. So I’ll take your non-bait- bait and play the game.

So sexism, gender oppression, discrimination, etc, etc, women shouldn’t be made to feel bad about being fireman, policeman, I mean policepeople, firepeople, and her gender should never be mentioned. It’s irrelevant, we don’t want to know……but don’t even dare think to imply she’s a man because we really do want to know! We want everyone to know that she is totally equal in all things, with the whole world happily singing, “Anything he can do I can do better!”

Alrighty than.

However, we soon come to this gem which completely flipped my cookie and got my hackles up. That’s hyperbole, by the way, in truth all it did was cause a little twitch in my left eyebrow.

Here is the Great Offense:

A little history lesson…In olden days, many women did not work…

Whoa now, hold up. What kind of pampered, elitist privilege did you descend from? In the olden days women did not work? Even your pampered royal princesses worked. Women from all walks of life have always worked. Guess what we call childbirth? Labor. I don’t know about your people, but mine have always worked. When they weren’t picking cotton and fruit, they were canning, preserving food, nursing sick men, caring for children, endless cooking, cleaning, serving their communities. Later both my grandmas worked in the shipyards as Rosie the Riveters. Women have worked since the day they set foot on this earth. Look back in history, you’ll often find us in agriculture, factories, teaching, birthing, and community service. Mothers, wives, daughters. The very definition of who women are has always revolved around who we invest our labors in. Labors.

It’s actually rather sexist and demeaning to claim, in olden days, many women did not work. What do you suppose women were doing before feminism came along and enlightened us all, lounging around on pillows being fed dates? Also, if that were true, what kind of pathetic woman hating ideology came along to mess that all up for us??

I jest, you know. Very few women in human history actually spent their days lounging around on a sofa eating bon bons. Women have always worked, often in a division of labor that was well suited for us. We certainly can and have fought fires, but it made a lot more sense for the bigger, stronger, faster gender to do so. Like it or not, you really have to be an exceptional woman who trains extensively in order to pack a hundred pounds up and down a ladder, let alone 200 pounds. So traditionally it simply made a lot more sense for men to do the heavy lifting.

I’m sorry if that pricks the pride, but it is what it is. Women have multiple skills and talents of our very own, but we do tend to come up short there on the heavy lifting. That’s not such a bad thing, sometimes the best things of all come in small packages.

In truth this relentless quest for equality, rather then elevating women into a more respectable position, actually seeks to erase and demean us. Look at how the endless labors of generations of women have just been erased in a single moment. In olden days, many women did not work…

What you really mean is that you value the work of men so much more than you value the work of women, that if a woman is not doing a traditionally male defined job with the exact same skill as a man, then she isn’t doing anything of value at all. That is exactly what those words really mean.

One last thing, “But by highlighting someone’s gender in a job we continue to reinforce the idea that one sex is automatically the ‘right’ one for the job, and that we expect to see them in that role.”

It’s called biological reality. It is simply the truth and the nature of who we are. I realize we’re now living in a world where men can become wives, where two men can actually marry. We’re working hard on creating artificial wombs and providing men the apparatus to breast feed. Heck, we can even surgically alter your gender. Soon men shall be giving birth and women shall be out pumping the septic tank and cleaning the gutters.

Or perhaps we’ll be edited out entirely, deemed to have no necessary role in the biological equation at all, perceived as nothing more then smaller weaker versions of men, forced to compete on the field of so called “equality.”

An equality where our own sisters have already nixed us as having no innate worth and value of our very own.