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Irtfy wrote a great post all in good humor, called praying for enemies. It is a humorous look at an issue that is near and dear to my heart.

Bit of a chuckle here, but I did that once, I prayed that God would smote one of my enemies. Strike him with lightning, whither his crops, annihilate the fool. It was long ago in the heat of the moment, in the midst of teenage rage at a football game. The target of my offense was a bully, an arrogant and prideful little jerk who really deserved to be taken down a peg or two.

I kid you not, the guy collapsed right before my very eyes. Undiagnosed heart defect of some sort. He survived, in fact if he hadn’t collapsed right at that moment, in the presence of football paramedics, so near a hospital, it may have caught him aware at some other time and taken his life. I have no idea if he’s still alive today, I never saw him again, but I know he survived the encounter with my self-righteous rage and vicious little prayers.

I however, did not fare so well. Just the idea that I might hold the power of life and death over my enemies left me wracked with guilt. What if God really had handed me that power? What if I had made a mistake?  What if this guy served some purpose in the world I was not aware of? What if I were perceiving the situation wrong? What if I were the jerk? What if I were acting just like him? Oh dear Lord, I am so not worthy, I hope you have not handed me this superpower! Why, I could completely decimate a small country without a second thought, without even understanding the moral implications involved! God, you do realize I am just 16 right? No one in their right mind would give me this power!

I have since matured in faith. I have never since prayed for evil to befall anyone. Sometimes I pray for eyes to be opened or for justice to prevail, but always with complete love. Sometimes I have to pray to have my anger relieved so I can do that, but I take “love your enemies” very seriously. I know if there is the slightest bit of sin in my heart it is not a holy prayer on behalf of another, it is all me in that equation. There’s nothing particularly wrong with that, I’d just best not pretend I am praying on behalf of anyone but myself  in that situation and I better be clear about that. God is not impressed with deception.

I don’t know if everyone else is called to do that, I only know I clearly am. Everyone has a slightly different ministry, different things they are called to do. I don’t dare pray for evil to befall anyone, but that is me.

Sometimes within Christianity however, I think we put a huge emphasis on forgiveness, 70 times 70 even, on turning the other cheek, on being at peace with all people. Those are valid points, those are scripturally sound principles, but I think sometimes we forget that not even Christ Himself always turned the other cheek. There was a time when He went into the temple, threw over tables, and chased the money lenders around with a whip.

Sometimes to remain silent in the face of injustice is immoral. Sometimes refusing to stand up when you are called to do so is wrong. Each situation is different, each person must figure out that walk between the Lion and Lamb for themselves. It is not an easy walk to undertake.

There have been many great philosophers and writers over the years who have wrestled with that issue, who have spoken about making sure you do not become the monster you oppose. It’s not a simple moral conundrum, it’s a complex issue with a lot of variables.

I think many people’s hearts cry out for justice these days. I know there is One who’s justice is perfect, who can bring peace to your heart in a way nothing this world offers ever can.
