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The other day the President, while advocating for universal pre-school, stated that stay at home mommy-hood was not a choice we wanted Americans to make. Perhaps he misspoke but this statement goes into the bucket of abuse being heaped upon wives and mothers for decades now. It sits in the bucket of slop along with not wanting women to “be punished with a baby,” or how “women shouldn’t have to waste their lives baking cookies” or any other myriad of offensive and demeaning things being said that cut right to the core and who and what women are and the role we play in the world.

Not long ago someone asked me, a wife, mother, grandma, “So now that the kids are grown, are you finally going to do something useful with yourself?” Perhaps it wasn’t intended as a shaming tactic designed to completely erase the last 30 years of my life,  collapse my psyche, and send me into a tailspin…..I jest, it wasn’t quite that bad, but it did make me keenly aware of how the labor and work of women is being demeaned and erased.

There’s a young girl here, pregnant, out of wedlock, currently enjoying all the slugs of the self righteous who say things like “she’s thrown her life away” and “how sad, she’s totally ruined her future” and “I guess that’s all some people know how to do, make babies.” Ironically these digs are not coming from Christians but rather the secular world of feminist and liberal thought. This girl is perceived as a shameful failure, a woman who does not appreciate the value of a good education and a career. A woman who obviously surrendered all to a man at some point, oh the horror. For those who don’t know, surrendering anything to men, ever, is a great social faux pas these days. A proper lady knows to surrender all to the benevolence of government instead.

It’s a bit of a twist, but it’s actually Christians who are showing this girl some kindness, finding her a place to live, giving her a baby shower. The horse is out of the barn, there’s no point crying over spilt milk. Besides, this girl is simply doing what women have been doing for centuries, bringing life into the world. That’s a beautiful thing. She’s already going to face a lot of challenges in the process, financial, emotional. No matter how wonderfully some women rise to the occasion as single moms, it is far easier, far more beneficial to have children within the context of marriage. Husbands and fathers make a huge difference. She will have to learn this all while raising a child by herself.

There is a war on women being waged right now. It seeks to erase who we are as women, to replace our value as wives and mothers, with our ability to pursue wealth and careers. It seeks to rob women of our identity as the nurturers and givers of life and to change us into the providers of casual sex, a job they promise will be accommodated by providing us with free birth control and access to abortion. It’s a war that seeks to replace the role of men with the role of the state.

Why so many women remain unable to see this for what it is, continues to baffle me. It’s not women who win the game in the end, it’s not any of us, actually. As if the offense were not bad enough, they twist that knife in a bit farther and convince us this is all happening for our own good. Women now get to cheer on and advocate for our new role, as the collateral damage of somebody else’s culture war.