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I have no comment at this time. I humbly request that all foreign countries just cover their eyes, look away politely, and pretend they didn’t see any of that. You know, like half of America has been doing up until now.

I refuse to watch CNN. I did however catch RFKjr’s debate on Rumble. Since he was not invited to the CNN/Biden/Trump thing, he simply dubbed himself in as if he were really there and had John Stossel as the moderator. It was the “alternative presidential debate.”

Having now watched vast clips of the CNN debate, I would like to retract all previous objections to the idea of deep fakes. I find I am no longer concerned about misrepresentation, artificial intelligence, or deep fakes. Reality is far scarier! From here on out, please just lie to me. I’d like to request better wax figures, more powerful make up, and some glamorous special effects. Masks, robots, pod people, computer generated animation, it’s all good, whatever it takes.

I jest a bit, but in truth it was just really sad. Exploitative. Elder abuse. I wanted to file a report with Adult Protective Services. Biden is not well. He is not able to function on his own. He shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle let alone a country. I really can’t stand the man, but he deserves some compassionate care. Or rather, it reflects poorly on his handlers that he isn’t receiving that care. And it reflects poorly on all of us that we have allowed him to become this kind of a spectacle.

I knew what to expect and I was still shocked and a bit shaken. How anybody could have sent him out front of TV cameras in that condition is beyond me. Would not surprise me in the least if an announcement were to come in the next few weeks.

As for RFK jr, he’s done some good work, especially around vaccines. I bear him no ill will at all, in fact as you can see I often listen to him and follow his work. That said, I am clearly a Trump fan. I would really like to avoid World War 3 which we seem perched very close to the edge of. It scares me. Also, people here at home are really suffering, the fentanyl epidemic is stealing our loved ones, our young people are dying, and most of us are now perched on the edge of complete economic collapse. I’d really like to avoid war, rampant addiction, and 3rd world poverty, if at all possible, and I really believe we need President Trump in order to try to pull that off.