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Something I wish to lament is this Christian tendency in some parts to launch what I call the, “Potiphar’ s Wife defense.” At this moment in time I am referring to Gateway church and Pastor Morris but there have been many others. I’ll spare you all the links to assorted blog posts right now that are directly mentioning Potiphar’s wife in relation to the Gateway situation.

For those who don’t know, Potiphar’s wife was well off and powerful, the wife of the Captain of the Guard. Joseph was a slave. The power differential between the two should be obvious. To compare a 12 year old child who you sexually exploited when her family showed you hospitality, to Potiphar’s wife, just lands on the wrong side of stupid. There simply is no comparison.

Also there is a confession, a resignation, and several people who have known about the abuse for decades. The abuse is not even in dispute. What makes this case so appalling is that nobody even disputes that it occurred! So to invoke Potiphar’s wife as if, “we must protect justice, this victim is probably lying,” is way off base. Also there will be no justice anyway, at least not in terms of the criminal justice system. He is not going to face criminal charges.

But I wanted to speak about secondary victims, in this case, the victim’s family, especially her father. I don’t know his whole story. but in part he was angry and probably wanted to kill the man who had hurt his kid. We do know he confronted them. What some people don’t understand about child sexual abuse and an ensuing cover up is that you’ve just victimized a whole lot of people. The safety and well being of children and their healing is a priority, but I mean, often a father is decimated in the process, too. I’m not trying to speak for him, but I’m sure he must have struggled a sense of betrayal, with his own regrets and inadequacies, his own inability to protect one of his children through no fault of his own. I have no idea how he may have also wrestled with faith, wondered if that too may have been a deception, but those kind of things would be likely.

Expand that grief and confusion over to the mom and the rest of the family, friends, community, the loss of your church. So you see, this wasn’t a crime against one little girl, this was a crime against a father, against an entire family, a community, a church. I don’t think that truth gets told enough.

Some Christians, including some pastors, need to stop acting as if all women are honey pot Jezebels sent to falsely accuse some innocent man just like Potiphar’s wife did. Child sexual abuse is actually not just a crime against a child, it’s an attack on fatherhood itself.

I wish some of these family values, pro patriarchy types would put that fact in their pipe and smoke it.