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A bit amusing, sometimes I get complaints that there is not nearly enough biology in my biology blog. The thing is, biology is actually the study of life and living organisms. It is virtually impossible to say anything at all without it somehow being related to biology.

The fact that we seem to have forgotten that truth is really disturbing to me. In fact, two very wealthy men, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, have a background and experience in technology, in a non-biological component of our existence. I don’t wish to offend anyone, but they are nerds. Nerds can be awesome, but what makes somebody a “nerd ” is hovering about three feet outside of their own biology, existing exclusively somewhere within their own intellect. This is why we have Elon praising the digital adventure of neurolinks and Gates singing about the joys of MRNA biological hacks.

Hacking human biology, what could possibly go wrong there, right?

Which brings me to a new favorite Bible verse today, Isaiah 2:22, “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” A more modern English version of that verse is, “Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?”

A bit humbling isn’t it? All in good humor here, but sometimes when dealing with a particularly unpleasant human specimen I like to whisper to myself, oh look, we have before us a mere nostril breather. There is a lot more in that verse to unpack, but another layer of it suggests that one should actually study the Giver of Said Breath rather than the nostril breather himself.

Which brings me to our senses……or lack thereof. I jest, we have some very clear physical senses, smell, touch, sight, taste, hearing, etc, but then we also have some more whimsical senses, such as having common sense, good sense, or a sense of humor. No doubt some would deny that these more metaphorical senses exist on account of not having any double blind, cross referenced, peer reviewed studies to physically document and demonstrate their existence. Just the same, we all know what they are.

What they are are precious human resources in grave danger of going extinct, but I digress…..

Call me crazy but there is just no way I can look at life and not be drawn by sheer curiosity towards the One who put it there.