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I’ve been a bit rattled lately by the revelations about Pastor Robert Morris and Gateway church. I didn’t name him in my other post because the church had not yet released a statement, he had not yet resigned, and the elders were still insisting this was just a 30 yr old youthful “moral indiscretion” with a “young lady.” It turns out she was actually a 12. yr old child. Also, it went on for several years.

I could really care less about things like extra marital affairs, scandalous tattoos, or past addictions. Those are the kinds of things the church often likes to “care” about. Child sexual abuse, not so much. I don’t have the time or the energy to type you a list of all the celebrity pastors who have resigned as of late because they used their position of authority to rape and abuse children.

Here’s the problem with that kind of skewed morality, that kind of moral ambiguity and confusion. What is the difference between a decked out drag queen doing preschool story hour at the public library and a freshly laundered pedophile pastor doing youth ministry?? Nothing but their clothing. In fact, that drag queen probably has more integrity because he’s not pretending. He’s also not called to represent the Lord’s word!

So what has had me a bit rattled right now is how so many Christians don’t want to judge. See, being able to judge is what creates safety, security, trust, and moral authority. Why does the church have so little moral authority right now? Well, in part because of our complete inability to simply call evil “evil” and good “good.”

I am especially irritated with Shawn Bolz at the moment who tweeted out, “Are you allowing yourselves to be swept up in the waves of negativity, gossip, and conspiracy? Are you nurturing suspicions and fostering divisions rather than seeking unity and understanding?”

You are darn right I am! The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:3, “Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? ” And of course in 1 Corinthians 5, we have “sexual immorality of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate…. And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have gone into mourning and have put out of your fellowship the man who has been doing this?”

Bolz is only one of many who have responded abysmally. Others have declared all these poor pastors are just victims of spiritual warfare. Sean Feucht responded by taking the time to call out…. Kamala Harris. This is how we as Christians behave AFTER a confession, after a victim statement, after a resignation, after the evidence is so glaringly obvious and apparent that not even an ostrich could bury their head in the sand far enough to avoid seeing it.

Safety is a bit more complex than providing physical safety for children in our care, although that’s a hugely important thing. Safety is for everyone. Safety is really just about being able to call evil “evil ” and good “good.” It’s about having a place to go, away from the moral ambiguity of the world where you are able to just rest for a moment in a bit of mutually shared objective reality.

I miss those days.