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Synchronicity is really my thing. I just love how events will often play out and all line up in my favor. These are small things, silly things really, but little miracles that let me know that I am greatly loved and that there is wonderous mystery at play in the world.

Following Christ can be quite an adventure, a bit like a scavenger hunt, where seeking Him will reveal these little treasures and clues that will bring you to the next level. Sometimes I think of this relationship as if it were a video game. Once in a while I am compelled to follow the same path over and over again because I am trapped in some kind of ridiculous maze. Sometimes I have to fight the same old demons and sometimes Christ just suddenly levels up the whole game.

Someone told me faith was boring which actually made me laugh, because in truth it really is a grand adventure, whether you are collapsing in hysterics at the foot of a King or roaming around lost in the desert. It is exciting and sometimes rather terrifying, but boring it is not. In fact, it can often be so challenging we have to lean into His peace that surpasses all understanding and just relax and take a break.

Long ago I learned to perceive everything as a miracle, to take note of every answered prayer, no matter how silly I may think it is. I regret not having learned this sooner, because I wasted entirely too much time thinking prayers were not answered, that God didn’t hear me. That wasn’t true at all, the truth was I didn’t see them and pay attention to all the ways He communicates with me and grants me things I desire.

Not all of them mind you, I have still not gotten my Ferrari or won the lottery….also, I know I prayed a lot for a pony once, but please don’t give me one now, I’ve changed my mind. In fact, a pony would be most inconvenient at this point…

I’ve had a lovely week of simple answered prayers. Lord, I wish I had a purple shirt to go with my skirt…and there it was delivered right into my hands. Lord, I don’t want to blog while my husband watches football tonight, and poof, the power went out. (Do not tell my husband, he was bummed about missing the game, but it was replaced with my heart’s desire, which was a delightful conversation.)

Lord, I miss some of the old hymns, the ones that are easy to sing…and in church today the power was out again, so we sang those old hymns instead. How perfect that was.

Lord, I really wish I could raid my favorite salad bar….and sure enough less than an hour later hubby needed to go look at a house, so he dropped me and the kid off at our favorite place. Even better, he forgot it was dinner time and grabbed a sandwich on the way back. So I got my salad, some time with the kid who rarely wants to be seen with me anymore, and I didn’t have to cook anyone dinner.

There are dozens of these little mundane things that I sometimes speak to God of in prayer in the morning, things I never tell anyone about or mention, that somehow just manage to weave their way into my day. I could look upon them with jaded eyes and speak of confirmation biases and coincidences or I could just close my eyes and feel the music.

I chose to just close my eyes and feel the music.



******Repost from Aug 2015