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This is the day the Lord hath made and it is good. I call Sunday His day and think of it much like a date, not the teen age, “He’s my boyfriend” kind of date, but a more mature one, one where we pause to reconnect and simply abide in His goodness.

There’s nothing wrong with a teen age kind of date, I think we should be taking the Lord to the ice cream parlor with us, or the movies, and having some fun with Him. Have a cup of coffee with the Lord, look up and thank Him, delight in Him. He delights in us.

On the Lord’s day however, I make an attempt to abide in His goodness all the more, to thank Him for giving us this special day, one that has lasted all through the ages. It’s a day to set down the suffering and grief of the world and to  worship, to place our eyes on Him, and to simply abide in the goodness of God. Rest for our souls.

I don’t usually make it the whole day before life intrudes in someway, but I sure do appreciate having a few stolen moments with the Lord. Of course, we can do that anywhere, anytime, any day of the week, and it need not be in a church, but I value the ritual, the connection to other Christians all through the ages. Upon this rock I will build my church…

Abiding in the goodness of the Lord, that’s not too hard to do when the sun is shining and things are going well, but it’s a whole different ball game when your heart is breaking and life is not going quite the way you want. Those are the times you just have to remember to breathe. Thank you for your breath today, Lord.

“God of endless mercy god of unrelenting love
Rescue every daughter bring us back the wayward son
And by your spirit breathe upon them show the world that you alone can save.”