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Something a bit amusing, a trifle really, but God asked me to disengage from a situation, sit on my hands, duct tape my mouth, however you wish to put it. I’m pretty good at listening to God, at least after He clearly indicates His will half a dozen times and I begin to recognize the wisdom there.

There are many situations I don’t know how to respond to, that I have to turn to God for and ask for His guidance, His leadership. What’s His will for the situation and what’s His will for me? Sometimes they are two different things. Sometimes His will for me is to just disengage, stand by, and be quiet. Not my favorite thing to do by far, but God is quite a bit wiser than me.

Conversations with God can make some people nervous and I totally empathize there. What if that crazy woman is just eating bad pizza and hearing voices? But it isn’t like that at all. God always confirms His word in half a dozen ways and we are speaking of rather simple things here. To engage or to disengage, to speak up or to stand down.

So someone asked me why I was not engaged, and so I said, “Well, God said to back off.” So preceded this somewhat comical discussion where my friend promptly declared, “God never said that.” I was surprised so  I said, “Did you ask Him?”

He never asked Him. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but how can you possibly know what God said or didn’t say to me if you don’t ask Him yourself?

The whole conversation was rather comical in the sense that a part of me recognizes how crazy it all sounds, especially to someone who is more concrete, their feet more firmly planted in the natural world. God speaks to all us in our own language, in a way we can understand, but there is simply no way around it, spiritual matters must be somewhat discerned by the heart. His Word is pretty concrete, some trusted advisors around you can be pretty tangible, but you simply have to talk to God too, also sometimes known as prayer. You have to talk and you have to learn to listen.

I use to tell my kids sometimes, “Have you talked to your Father about it?” At the time I often meant their earthly father, but the same idea applies to your heavenly Father. Have you talked to your Father about it? Did you ask Him?
