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I am not a big fan of positive thinking and putting on a happy face, I’m actually a fan of cynicism, bitterness, and despair. Most of the time I’d prefer to stay in bed and hide under the covers or perhaps get up and start digging a bunker and stocking it with canned spam.

Most of the time I am convinced things just don’t end well and we are  about to step into a world ruled by Mad Max and the Road Warriors or perhaps descend into the zombie apocalypse.

Just the same, that is not what we are called to do as Christians. When we see impending doom on the horizon we are called to “rejoice, and again I say rejoice.” Three times, just in case we missed the first command to re-joy ourselves. When it seems as if the world is ending, we are told to be of good cheer, these are simply the groanings of birth pains.

Obviously, these things are counter intuitive for those of us who tend to be melancholy, so when the world seems to be crashing down all around you, the rule of law seems to no longer apply, and innocent people are being murdered outright, it can be very challenging to always be prepared to give an account for the hope that is in you.

I long for another place, another time, another dimension, knowing full well the good old days never really existed, but regardless that is the wrong attitude to have anyway. We are to rejoice, to shine all the brighter in dark times, and to ask ourselves, “…who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther4:14

What if we are the right people at the right time, specifically made for such a time as this? What if we have been called to a task, to a great harvest, something more akin to a barn raising or perhaps a fancy wedding feast? That is where I must place my eyes, over and over again, on a kingdom and a harvest, on a place of rejoicing, because the world around us can seem very dark indeed.

Seems dark, seems being the key word here, because perception and attitudes are everything. To seem is to “give the impression or sensation of being something.”

Perhaps we are a royal priesthood, called into being for such a time as this, to spread the good news and offer hope to a broken world.
