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Does everyone know what the friend-zone is? That’s where you think someone is a very nice person, you really like them, but sorry buddy, there’s just no attraction there. I kind of just see you like a brother. You’re my BFF, but this relationship is going nowhere. I’ve got nothing to offer you.

One problem with the friend-zone is that sometimes those wires can get crossed. So your newly delegated “friend” may suffer from hope raising its ugly head, while you think nothing of calling your buddy at 2 AM and pouring your heart out while completely forgetting all about them the rest of the time.

Long ago I got friend-zoned many times. In fact, it seemed as if the whole world wanted to be my friend. That’s a bit of a gender reversal, but sometimes it happens. Boys always wanted to be my best friend, which meant I was the one they called at 2 am to complain about their girl friends, their life, their parents. The rest of the time I didn’t exist, I was invisible.

I really thought that was because I wasn’t girlfriend material, wasn’t attractive enough, popular enough, good enough. None of those things were true, they were lies,  deceptions, but being friend-zoned makes you feel like second fiddle or the left overs in the back of the fridge or something. You’re my Best Friend Forever, let’s just not be seen walking together in public, okay?

A relationship with Jesus Christ can be like that too, especially in the Western world. We can compartmentalize Him, put Him in the friend-zone, speak to Him when no one is looking, and hang out with Him for an hour on Sundays, always hidden from the public eye. We can turn to Him in our times of need, but completely ignore Him when we’re doing well and having fun.

When we friend-zone Jesus Christ we are making it clear that we really like you, it’s just that there is  no attraction here, I have no intention of giving you anything at all, and I will not be investing in this relationship. Let’s just be friends.

Somebody smart once said that everybody loves Christmas, that sweet little babe in the manger, so non threatening, so gentle and mild, so unassuming. But the Lion, all grown up, with the power to move mountains? Woah, now hold up…let’s just keep Him at arms length, off in the friend-zone.

Jesus Christ really is our friend, the best friend we will ever have, but He is so much more, too. Advocate, Savior, Physician, Counselor…. and the lover of our souls. He desires to know each one of us intimately, passionately even. I often speak of falling in love with Him becasue there just aren’t words this side of heaven that describe it any better. He gave His all to have a relationship with us and He wants our all too, our best, our first fruits.

There’s a harvest to be had there, a bit of soul gazing that happens when we look to our Savior and offer ourselves to Him. When we learn to place Jesus Christ first, we will begin to see ourselves as He sees us, as people having such worth and value, He gave His life for us.
