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Something that’s always fascinated me are the words God speaks to Adam and Eve
after the fall of man, while they’re hiding in the bushes wrapped in fig leaves.
He says, “I did not give you a spirit of shame.” Well if shame didn’t come from God,
it came from the serpent. If it came from the serpent, it doesn’t belong to us, it
wasn’t intended for us. It is not ours to carry around.

In Christ there is no condemnation.

Shame is a deceptive thing, it always comes from pride. The acquisition of pride is
pretty much the original sin that befell mankind. Before pride entered the picture,
Adam and Eve didn’t even know they were naked. The serpent entices Eve into basically
challenging God’s rules and pride enters the picture, quickly followed by shame.

Pride is not feeling good about yourself, confident, “proud” of your achievements. Pride
is attached to feelings of false moral superiority, it is the scar tissue we layer over
feelings of shame. Someone who is full of pride is not strong, powerful, self assured,
they are weak, because the more pride, the more shame. Pride is like dragging along a bag
of rocks. It gets heavy.

In Christ there is no condemnation.

Shame is a really toxic thing. I’m not talking about regret, guilt, or your
conscience. In the dictionary, shame is actually defined as “feelings of unworthiness.”
The way we tend to cope with feelings of unworthiness is to try and puff ourselves up with
pride. Pride layered over shame is a bit like walling off an infection. Now you’ve got secrets
and other sins will slip in, like fear of having your secrets revealed or fear of being judged.
Fear, that’s another one God is pretty clear about. One cannot really walk in fear and faith
at the same time. The bible is full of instructions to go forth boldly, without fear, without

When people wound you, hurt you, offend you, it is completely natural to try to use pride as a
band aid. People can be horrible to each other, shaming, judgmental, ostracizing.

In Christ there is no condemnation. There is no shaming, no ostracizing, no wounding. Christ is
the opposite of judgment and condemnation, in fact, He is the only path away from it. Without Him,
we are already walking in a state of condemnation and judgment. The challenge however, is that to
receive Christ one must surrender their pride.

Many people reject God based on the behavior of some humans. It’s not God who has offended them,
it’s people. It’s not Christ who condemns or shames us. In fact, He suffered and died to free us,
but that gift of love, has to be something you are willing to receive. There’s simply no way to
receive it without surrendering some pride. Surrendering pride can be a bit like pulling off a
band-aid slowly. It’s not a lot of fun.

In Christ there is no condemnation.

Christians are imperfect, flawed human beings, who do their best to reflect Christ and to show
the world who He is. Some have failed miserably and actually driven people away from Christ. I
get that very well, but God is not created in the image of some Christians. We are the ones created
in His image.

There is nothing new under the sun, nothing that God hasn’t already seen and heard before. He’s been
watching us for a long time. We cannot shock Him, cannot do anything horrible enough to cut us off from
His love, but we can build a fortress around ourselves and wall ourselves off with pride. Even in that,
He will keep knocking at the gate.

One of the greatest deceptions the world has ever known is often propagated by Christians and non
believers alike, and it is this idea that shame and condemnation are somehow Christian values. That
is a complete reversal of the Truth.

Christ is the opposite of condemnation.

There are people in the world, believers and non believers alike, who fear that without the power of shame
to control people, they won’t be able to control people. They are absolutely right. THEY won’t be able to, but God will. Without fail, once pride is relinquished He will step in and light the path. He always does, without fail. Some people really need others to encourage them to follow that path, but pointing out right and wrong, is not the same thing as condemnation and judgment.

Anthony Evans – No Condemnation